This is the astro-ph blog of the Theoretical Modelling of Cosmic Structures group (TMoX) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. We are an independent Max-Planck Research Group focusing on the various aspects in the formation and evolution of galaxies. Part of our focus is on the formation and evolution of early-type galaxies, super-massive black holes, the formation of the first structures in the universe and the enrichment history of the Universe. We are theoreticians using analytic modelling as well as numerical simulations in our work.

The CosmologyCake blog is dedicated to the discussion of research papers and current developments. We will regularly post interesting papers and comment on them. Feel free to leave your comments as well. We encourage authors of discussed papers to post replies if they wish to. Our aim is to provide a platform to discuss recent astro-ph papers within a wider audience. Please feel free to send papers you would like to be discussed to us at

27 February 2012

The clustering of galaxies as a function of their photometrically-estimated atomic gas content

Authors: Li, C., et al.

The paper (link) introduces a new estimate for the mass of HI gas, based on a few photometric quantities: stellar mass, color, surface density, and color gradient. This mass estimate is then being applied to a large sample from SDSS, to study the clustering dependence on the HI fraction. The results are compared to recent SAMs from the Munich group, showing that the models disagree with the observations mostly at low stellar masses.

1 comment:

  1. It is not clear why the scatter added to galaxies in Fig. 4, is being applied to the observed mass, and not to the mass given by the model.
